(949) 563 1009 office@thinqueprep.com

AP Calculus
We have the know-how you need.
Weekly full-length practice tests proctored in our Lake Forest office or via Zoom
One-on-one learning sessions with one of our experts, either in-person or online
Time management and test navigation training
Practice material that comes straight from the test writers - NOT from third parties
April Review Courses that will prime you for a high AP score.
The AP Calculus exam is a reading heavy exam. Students who struggle with word problems will need exposure to AP-style questions early one.
You can't approach the test with poor math foundations. You need to be solid on all concepts from Pre-algebra to Trigonometry.
There are no “secret hacks” to getting a high score. The only strategy that really works is taking time to understand and correct your mistakes.

Our pass rate on the AP calculus exam! That's 30% more than the national average!
Average hours of prep our students participate in to ace their exams
Collective hours of teaching experience our Master Calculus instructors have
Number of official AP exam questions our instructors have scored
Ask us about how we can help with other standardized tests, including…
High School Placement Test (HSPT)
Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE)
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing
International Baccalaureate (IB) Testing

** The SAT®, ACT, and Advanced Placement® courses are independent trademarks not affiliated with ThinquePrep.
Call or text (949) 563-1009 office@thinqueprep.com