(949) 563 1009 office@thinqueprep.com

Service Costs
Please find the price range for each of our services listed below.
Exact quotes are provided during the initial consultation, and discounts may be available to current college counseling families and siblings.
Ready to get started with Thinque Prep? Contact our office for first steps at office@thinqueprep.com or (949) 561-1009

College Counseling
Price Range: $2,000-$7,000
Price is determined by scope of services and starting time. These Thinque Prep packages include a plethora of materials and extras!
Test Prep (SAT/ACT)
Price Range: $1,900-$5,500
Price is determined by scope of services and anticipated test dates. These Thinque Prep packages include a plethora of materials and extras!
Group Classes are offered seasonally at a lower cost.
AP Tutoring (Single & Multi-Subject)
Price Range: $1,000-$3,500
Price is determined by scope of services.
Group Review Classes are offered seasonally at a lower cost.
High School Tutoring (Single & Multi-Subject)
Price Range: $900-$3,000
Price is determined by scope of services.
K-8 Tutoring (Single & Multi-Subject)
Price Range: $750-$2,700
Price is determined by scope of services.

Hourly & À La Carte Services
Full Length Diagnostic SAT or ACT: FREE! Ask the office.
Diagnostic AP Exam: $50 (offered in Spring only)
One Hourly Counseling Session w/ Joyee: $250
One Hourly College Essay Session w/ Sam: $150
One Hourly AP Tutoring Session: $100
One Hourly HS Tutoring Session: $90
One Hourly K-8 Tutoring Session: $80